Journey Through Myanmar

16 Nights / 17 Days


Journey Through Myanmar tour is worth a visit to see and feel Myanmar Culture/Nature/ People/Drive thru rural villages/ Boat ride and ends your trip at Myanmar’s famous white sandy Beach Ngapali in 17 days. Have a chance to learn about Mon Kingdom, Last Myanmar Kingdom & World heritage site & First Myanmar Kingdom β€œBagan”by our story telling local guide. Finally get yourself lazy, memorizing the trip , indulge fresh coconut juice or Myanmar Beer and relax at sandy beach of Ngapali.


  • Golden Rock Pagoda
  • Bago and Kambawzathadi Palace of Mon Kingdom
  • Wooden Monastery of Shwe Yan Pyay and nearby Inle Lake
  • Ava with it’s Monasteries and Watch Tower
  • Monywa with World largest Standing Buddha Statue
  • Boat trip in the Ayarwaddy River from Pakokku to Bagan
  • World Heritage site of Bagan temple field
  • Sandy Beach of Rakhine



Inle Lake




Ngapali Beach

Tour Route

2 Nights


2 Nights

1 Night


1 Night

1 Night


1 Night

2 Nights

Inle Lake

2 Nights

2 Nights


2 Nights

1 Night


1 Night

3 Nights


3 Nights

3 Nights

Ngapali Beach

3 Nights

1 Night


1 Night

Detailed Itinerary

Arrive Yangon

Upon arrival in Yangon Airport you are met and greeted by your Guide who will accompany you to your pre booked Hotel

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Yangon


Breakfast at the Hotel

Sightseeing Yangon, journey begins with walking downtown to explore the city centre and its fabulous mix of architecture and sites. The streets are filled with historical buildings many of which have a faded colonial charm not seen elsewhere in Asia. The journey being from Sule Pagoda with its golden chedi, which makes a useful landmark in downtown Yangon and impressive colonial style government buildings such as the City Hall, General Telegraph Office, the Supreme Court, High Court and many pastel- painted shops and apartments. Later visit to Bogyoke Market, formerly known as Scott Market, a sprawling 75 year old shopping complex noted for its variety of handicrafts and other items which provide an excellent opportunity for a shopping spree. Afterwards, visit Chaukhtatgyi Reclining Image, Then, visit Kandawagyi Park, one of central Yangon’s greenest spots. Here you will see the glittering Karaweik barge, a replica of the royal barge, overlooking this scenic lake.

Late this afternoon, visit Shwedagon Pagoda the most revered Buddhist temple in Myanmar. Although the origins of the pagoda are unclear, it is believed that the original structure was built in the 11th century then renovated several times until taking its current shape in the 15th century. The 8-sided central stupa is 90 meters tall and gilded with gold leaf and is surrounded by 64 smaller stupas and your guide will show you around the massive complex, explaining why this temple is so revered.

Enjoy breathtaking views of the golden stupa and the city skyline from this vantage point.

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Yangon

Yangon – Kyaikhtiyo (Drive)

Breakfast at the Hotel

Later proceed to Kyaikhtiyo, (190 km, approx 4 hour). Upon arrival at Kim pun base camp board on an open truck for (15 km, approx 1 hours) steep but well-paved road leads to the upper staging point to the renowned Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda site 1180 meters above sea level. (Optional : can alight from the truck at middle camp called RathaeTaung and walk up (approx 4 km : 45 mins) or as an easier alternative to walking, four porters at an extra cost can carry you in a sedan chair.) The Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda, 7.3 meters high, built on a gold-gilded boulder, 25 meters in circumference, and balanced in what appears to be a very precarious position on a tabular rock jutting out from a ridge in the Eastern Yoma Mountains. Kyaikhtiyo is likely to be one of Myanmar’s most spiritual experiences.

Overnight Stay at the Hotel in Kyaikhtiyo
(Note: Our given tour cost, is based on truck fare (from Kinpun camp near to the pagoda platform) sit together with locals, should you wish to have a seat at the front (or) wish to hire the whole truck for yourself, please check prices and pay extra directly at the truck station.).

Kyaikhtiyo – Bago – Yangon (Drive)

Breakfast at the Hotel

Later return to Kin-pun camp, lunch at local restaurant in Bago (on own expense) and then visit Shwe-Thar-Lyaung Pagoda, the colossal reclining Buddha Image lost to the Public for many years. Walk to Mon village to see weaving and cheroot factory, MahaZedi Pagoda, Shwemawdaw Pagoda and Kambawzathadi Palace of the great king Bayinnaung and four Buddha images each 98 feet high at Kyaikpun with an interesting story in Bago and return Yangon. If time permits visit fruit and pottery market on the way back to Yangon. Upon arrival in Yangon check in at your pre booked Hotel.

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Yangon

Yangon – Heho (Flight) & Heho – Inle Lake (Drive)

Breakfast at the Hotel and Check Out

Later you are transferred to Yangon Airport to board Flight for Heho. Upon arrival in Heho Airport a scenic one-hour drive leads to NyaungShwe, the gateway village to Inle Lake. Along the way, stop at the wooden Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery which features beautiful carvings and a collection of Buddha images. Upon reaching the edges of Inle Lake, board a private motorboat to head out to Inle Lake, one of Myanmar’s most spectacular sights. Pass villages built on stilts over the lake, inhabited by the local Intha people. Observe the leg-rowing fishermen and see their floating gardens built up from strips of water hyacinth and mud and anchored to the bottom with bamboo poles. Visit NgaHpeChaung Monastery, which houses dozens of Shan Buddha Images, but is more famous for its unique β€˜jumping cats’ who jump through hoops in the air! Continue to PhaungDawOo Pagoda, the lake’s main sanctuary, which contains five sacred Buddha images covered in gold leaf.

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Inle Lake

Inle Lake – In Dein Pagoda Complex – Inle Lake

Breakfast at the Hotel

Later visit the lake’s morning market. The market rotates its location around the lake’s villages in a 5 day rhythm and is visited by lake inhabitants and surrounding hill tribes who come to sell and trade their wares. (Note: market is daily except on dark moon day and full moon day).
From the middle of the lake, continue down a small canal leading to the Pa-oh village of In Dein. Explore the area on foot, strolling around the village, visiting a local school, and wander through the beautiful AlaungSitthou area. Climb the covered stair way to the top which is filled with picturesque ancient stupas and has magnificent views of the lake below.
After enjoying your visit to In Dein, return to your boat.

This afternoon visit the weaving village of Inpawkhon, famous for traditional silk-weaving, Se Gaung Village, famous for the blacksmith work and Nan Pan Village with cheroot making and boat-building dockyards etc.

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Inle Lake

Inle – Heho (Boat/Drive) & Heho – Mandalay (Flight)

Early breakfast at hotel

Later transfer to NyaungShwe by boat and drive straight to Heho Airport to board flight for Mandalay. Upon arrival in Mandalay Airport you are met and transferred to your pre booked Hotel.

Mandalay is the last kingdom as well as center of the Myanmar cultural, tradition, arts and crafts. Mandalay has long been known as a centre of skilled craftsmanship and in former times supplied the royal courts. Mandalay is well known for its skilled craftsmen and as you tour traditional workshops, you will learn more about the city’s cottage industries. Observe the production of wood carvings, kalaga tapestries, and gold-leaf where the techniques remained unchanged from those used centuries ago to craft items for the Royal Court.

This afternoon, continue your tour of Mandalay with a visit to Kuthodaw Pagoda, whose 729 marble stone slabs of Buddhist scriptures have earned it the title β€˜World’s Biggest Book’. Continue to Shwenandaw Monastery, the only remaining building from the 19th century Royal Palace. This grand teak building is known for its exquisite woodcarving.

Head to the top of Mandalay Hill as the sun begins to set to enjoy magnificent views of the city and Irrawaddy River.

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Mandalay

Mandalay – Amarapura – Ava – Mandalay Sightseeing

Breakfast at the Hotel

Later visit Phayagyi to observe the most revered Mahamuni Image brought by King Bodawpaya in 1784 from Rakhine. The 4 meter seated Image was believed to have been casted in 1st century AD but over the year of offering gold leaf offering the figure is 15 cm thicket by gold. After a visit to stone carving, bronze casting and silk weaving process continue to ancient capital of Amapura β€œmeaning city of immortality”. Visit Mahagandayon Monastery, home to several hundred of Buddhist novices and monks and observe the lunch process. Later, Excursion to the former Royal Capital of Inwa (AVA), reached by a short boat trip. Visit by horse-drawn carriage to Nanmyint Watch Tower (or) known as β€œthe leaning tower of AVA”, MahaAungmyeBonzan Monastery; the monastery built in brick & stucco by Queen Mai Nu, Bagayar Monastery; famous for its impressive ornate woodcarvings and teak posts.
Later in the afternoon Enjoy fantastic sunset view from the 200 year old U Bein teak bridge span across Thaungthaman Lake (built in 1782) at the time when Amarapura was Royal capital.

Return to Mandalay.

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Mandalay

Mandalay – Sagaing – Monywa (Drive)

Breakfast in the Hotel and Check-out from hotel

Later drive to Monywa via Sagaing.
Sagaing is at the foot of Sagain Hills, covered with 600 white-painted pagodas and monasteries, Sagaing hill is widely regarded as the religious centre of Myanmar and is home of 6000 monks and nun, 100 meditation centers. On your way visit traditional bronze casting, silver smith works which Sagaing is famous for. Sagaing become the capital of independence of Shan around 1315 after fall of Bagan. Visit Tilawkaguru cave temple filled with impressive mural painting date back from 1672, UminThounzeh cave temple with multitude of seated Buddha statues and KaungmudawPaya, further west towards Monywar is enormous white dome rise 64 meter.

Later, continue to Monywa. Before Entering Monywa, enroute visit to Moe-Hyin Than-Boddae; Mt. Meru-type structure with 845 small stupas that surround and rise up to the richly decorated central stupa. Inside the attached pahto, votive Buddhas of bone and other materials decorate every wall and archway halfway to the ceiling and there are larger sitting and standing Buddha in niches. Afterwards, drive to World Biggest Standing BuddaStatue, and sunset at Bodhi-Tahaung (a grove of Banyan trees each with a Buddha at its foot. Continue to Monywa. Upon arrival in Monywa check in at your pre booked Hotel

In the evening take a walk at interesting local evening market of Monywa.

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Monywa.

Monywa – Pakokku – Bagan (Drive and Boat trip)

Breakfast in the Hotel and Check out

Monywa located on the eastern banks of Chindwin River is bustling up country town 84 miles (135 km) from Mandalay. Drive across the Chindwin Bridge for visiting Po Win Taung and Shwe Ba Taung Pagoda cave complex about 16 miles (26km) west of Monywa. This complex of 492 cave temples are packed with 2588 Buddha’s and there are beautiful 16th century wall paintings in some Caves.

Later drive to Pakokku. Pakokku is a flourishing trading town on western banks of Ayeyarwaddy River and visit to the colourful market, visit the home industry of Myanmar dolls made of papier-marche and the famous Shwegu Ta-Ke (exquisite wood carving door), Thihoshin; amazing Buddha image from Ceylon and visit to Tha-na-khar market.

Around 3 PM, transfer to Pokokku jetty where you can take a river boat trip in the Ayeyarwaddy River. Bagan at sunset on the boat. Upon arrival in Bagan check in at your pre booked Hotel

Overnight Stay at the Hotel in Bagan


Breakfast at the Hotel

Later begin your visit with a stop at the ColourfulNyaungOo Market where every day the locals come to buy and sell fresh produce and other goods. Continue to the golden stupa of Shwezigon Pagoda for an introduction in to Bagan’s rich history. Then, visit to nearby Wetkyi-In Gubyaukgyi, a cave temple with exquisite jataka mural paintings and the elegant Htilominlo Temple noted for its fine plaster carvings and glazed sandstone decorations.

This afternoon, your sightseeing starts with a visit to a workshop where you can observe the detailed production of lacquer ware, one of Myanmar’s best known and most traditional handicrafts. Continue to Myinkaba village and take a short walking tour to explore Wetkyi-In Gubyaukgyi, a cave temple with exquisite jataka murals and the temples of Manuha and Nan Paya. Climb to the top of one of the monuments to enjoy magnificent views over Bagan’s temples at sunset.

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Bagan


Breakfast at the Hotel

Today, we will make sightseeing with a horse driven cart though the temples of Bagan: Morning visit to Southeast of Bagan: visit Minnanthu village, to see daily life style of Bagan people. The horse will take you along the path near Damayangyi, a massive-looking temple dating from 1170 that is famous for its interlocking mortarless brickwork. Next, visit Mingalazedi, the last of the large Pagodas built in the 13th Century, representing the pinnacle of Bamar pagoda architecture. After today’s tour, board a local boat for a slow cruise down the Irrawaddy River. As you cruise the waters, observe the lifestyle of the fishermen and riverside villagers as well as enjoying the unique perspective of Bagan’s temples.

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Bagan

Bagan – Thandwe (Flight) &Thandwe – Ngapali Beach (Drive)

Breakfast in the Hotel

Later transfer to Bagan Airport to board flight for Thandwe. Upon arrival in Thandwe Airport, you will be greeted and transferred to Ngapali Beach, a 20 minute drive. Ngapali Beach is a quiet 3-kilometer stretch of white sands lined by coconut palms. The warm, clear waters are perfect for water sports such as snorkeling and there are several small islands around which can be reached by boat. Upon arrival in Ngapali check in at your pre booked Hotel

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Ngapali

Ngapali Beach

Breakfast at the Hotel Full day at leisure to enjoy the beach Overnight stay at the Hotel in Ngapali

Ngapali Beach

Breakfast at the Hotel

Full day at leisure to enjoy the beach

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Ngapali

Ngapali – Thandwe (Drive) &Thandwe – Yangon (Flight)

Breakfast at the hotel and Check Out

Later you are transferred to Thandwe Airport to board flight for Yangon. Upon arrival in Yangon Airport you are met and transferred to your pre booked Hotel

Overnight stay at the Hotel in Yangon

Leave Yangon

Today you are transferred Yangon Airport to board flight back home

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The Prices for the All Our Tours are on Request Only.
Kindly fill the Request Form Below for the Price of the TOUR.

Price will Include

  • Accommodation on Twin / Double Sharing basis
  • Daily Breakfast
  • Private Transfers
  • City Sightseeing
  • Air Conditioned Private Car with Driver
  • Local English Speaking Guide
  • Entrances to Monuments
  • Boat Ride as mentioned in the program
  • Domestic Flight as per Program

Price will Not Include

  • International Flight
  • Insurance
  • Expenses of Personal nature
  • Meals -Lunch and Dinner not mentioned in program
  • Camera and Video charges
  • Tips
  • Visa Charges

* Terms and Conditions Apply

  1. Prices applicable for standard hotels, luxury accommodations available on request.
  2. Christmas and New Year supplement applicable extra.
  3. Local taxes apply.

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